Health Risk Screening
ITC needs to know how we can help care for you. Plus, we’ll reward you for telling us!
The Health Risk Screening (HRS) is a questionnaire that asks you about your health history and if you have any healthcare conditions. We want to know about your health right away so we can help match your needs with the right healthcare team. That’s why we give you a $30 My Health Pays® reward if you complete this questionnaire within 90 days of becoming a member.
Complete your HRS by choosing one of these options:
Member Portal
- Log in to your secure member portal or sign up for an account.
- Under Medical Information, click on "Let Us Know."
- Complete the HRS Assessment.
Mobile App
- Search ''Iowa Total Care' in the App Store or Google Play and download the app.
- Click on the main menu in the upper left corner and select "My Health."
- Select and complete the HRS Assessment.
Phone Call
- Call us 1-833-856-7666 (TTY: 711).
- We're available Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Need help? Try these guides:
- How to Complete a Health Risk Screening (PDF)
- Secure Member Portal Registration Process (PDF) – coming soon