EPSDT (Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment)
What is EPSDT?
EARLY: Treat problems soon.
PERIODIC: Set up regular appointments.
SCREENING: Check for a medical problem.
DIAGNOSIS: Find a medical problem.
TREATMENT: Care for a problem.
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) means preventive care for children under the age of 21. These are also called well-child visits. Doctor visits when your child is well help make sure they are growing, healthy, and safe. EPSDT is key to making sure that children and young adults receive preventive, dental, mental health, developmental services and more.
Why are EPSDT screenings important?
Well-child checkups are important for your child’s health. Your child can look and feel well but still have a health problem. During your child’s appointment, their provider will check:
- Growth
- Development
- Learning
- Ears and eyes
- Diet
- Immunizations
- Test records
In Iowa, the EPSDT program is Care for Kids. It promotes health and wellness of children from birth to age 21. The EPSDT program requires that Medicaid pay for any medically necessary services for problems detected as part of a well-child exam. Your child may be eligible for rewards for a well visit.
All Iowa children who are enrolled in Medicaid are automatically enrolled in EPSDT Care for Kids. All EPSDT services are free to children enrolled in Medicaid. Hawki children are not eligible for the EPSDT program.
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